Thursday, 31 March 2011

im sure this picture you all have seen it these few days...some say its photoshopped..some say theres nothing wrong with this maid carrying the fieldpack...what i think is this soldier should carry on his own la...soldier alrady should know what to do in the civilian world..really brainless...

this weekend should be fun..friday dinner at bliss with gbc...sat going to book BTT lesson..layyen you book already?? sat night deshun 21bday...sunday go baibai...i want a 15hour sleep! sleep till the sun on my backside!!! can i??

doushite?? i cant seem to concentrate well..i feel mind is wandering...the feeling is welling inside me..same old feeling...dam gao wei..someone please knock me so mentally drained

you are no ordinary girl

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

if you think reading this is a waste of time and theres no point reading..i advise you to close this browser

recently it comes to my attention that serving NS is a waste of time..and those who serve NS..which 99% mostly are guys like me..are being look down, neglected on...ok..maybe its only me..stbm

but let me get 1 thing straight to your head..while I am serving my time in NS..there are alot things I learn but its classified..I am DYING to tell you what is happening inside my life..what I am really DOING inside army shows me the importance of defending my land, YOU and my family...what are the reasons to hold the rifle and what I could do to protect YOU

while I am serving my time inside..every book out I am DYING to see you..sad truth..half of the time we do not have time...I really treasure those small little time I get to see it a deliberate or unintentional meetup..

I have to say army made me think slower..rather think only one straight way...stupid is the word to descibe...maybe thats why my north has changed

maybe this effect is just only happen to me because I am not super yandao...I am not some big muscle hunk or some super korea hongkong drama actor..I dont care how others compare me...I just want you to interact more with me..or at least acknowledge me blog just full of emoshit..private blogging ba

Saturday, 26 March 2011

this week in aftc was not so bad..OTOT work out all the monday report to GBAD school..hope it will still be as it is now..i wanna buff up for GBAD

watch sucker punch ytd..dam girls with weapons kicking ass..but abit unrealitic la..kena whack by one giant robot still wont die..but anw..i rate it 8/10..

i want to let you know what im doing everyday...but whats the point command is english is already very jialet before i its below i dont communcicate well..heart and body have a mind of their own man..

weekend just is so blink and gone..seems like i have no time for you

yea..bliss is going to be relocated at AMK CC next month..that place sucks..but what i learn from that place for the past 2 years+..or what i experience..its only once in a life..i made so much friends there..made me realised so many facts and mistakes..from that day i left that place..i miss my friends there...i hope we can remain in contact and meet up even bliss is not in pungol know that dont you?

we have grown so have grown so much..looking back at the photographs which seems like might think you have never changed..but in my have grown more matured...this applies to may look at yourself at the mirror 365 days everyday..but through out the months of the years...its the people around you that watch you you experience life..i rather be a guardian..watching over you from far..

whatever it is...i think i have to change for the better...time is the challenge as usual

Sunday, 20 March 2011

reported to airforce school on there is like going to school like that..very slack lol..but i think only my vocation is the most xiong.."the commandos of airforce" is what they say la..i see people do pullup in sbo sia..dunno i can aside..since no one really reads..whats the point yo..

i can say from friday till today im sorta enjoying and torturing myself..thanks celestine for being there for me from friday till today..really gbc sia we up with katrina for dinner on time let me treat! why always snatch bill from me?!! lol..watched midnight movie battle LA..nice show..alot action..u people should go catch it

random faces of you appear at random time of the day in my mind..doushite

met my tuition teachers who taught me chinese 10 years so glad they still remember really touched dao...

sometimes if we were to meet each other on the street 10 years later will you remember me? cos every smile of yours brings back those memories we had in the past

lmao..5 more months im 21..i want to have something big! who want to be in my event committee?

seems im having a good life...actually not..inside i feel empty...i needa some colours..some sparks..or even some trouble also can..i feel so empty

k..time to rest..for another week in aftc..8-5 ftw

Monday, 14 March 2011

so..i have passed out from scs foundation term..28km route march was a total bitch..slightly more tiring than the 24km one..cos we walk in the nothing to see..and also its like fast march..with fbo..knn..almost want to fall out..but since everyone is going thru it together might as well stay back..

yea..right after i pop-ed..the next day reported to airforce school..lucky my oc good let us leave till this tuesday..if not i confirm shag cannot wonder what its like life over there..what i know now is i this wed got 1 week 8-5 for me..cos got airman shioks

life just boring without certain people