Saturday 29 December 2007

merry xmas and happy new year!!!

zzz...very long nv post again...because i play too much haha...but i also got achievement sensor done liao..but cannot work..dun care..solder finish i dun want to troubleshoot...

hai..actually today want go sheng siong the show one..aunt got ticket but last minute tell me she got work cannot go..-__-

im a WF now 41 WF..alot grinding need to do do next lvl for new quest..woot!

this is 39 fb hehe

this part is showing off

very shuai rite??
high lvl priest do chanting

Saturday 15 December 2007

common test over!!!

yay..common test finish liao..mostly all easy..except programming..all dunnoe sia..

now its playing time..but still got soldering and the com skills project haven start...dun care its play

Wednesday 5 December 2007

common test next week!! long never is busy gaming and studying for common test...anyway now is december!! means christmas is coming and final count down...whose down?

scare week common test all early de..except friday..430 then start...i scare ep and ae...cos like dun understand..ep still haven finish chapter then common test.=\..

ya and also got the prog lab test and assessment for mini prog and sci quiz this many test cramp at friday..spoil my day..

congraz to those who finish their o lvl..time to enjoy..dunnoe i got say this in my previous post..ah..dun care... year complementary study all sian one..all banking accounting marketing..and some science..guess i stick to french.maybe..ya..french test hard seh...last part say describe your family in 60 french sia..i lie about my family lol...say got one chienne(bitch) in my house...female dog la...cos my cher teach that word before like going one year le...dunnoe should change skin use like one year liao lei...

perfect world ya...i play werefox sian try the sia..can learn "18 subduing dragon palm" sia...very cool..but think lvl 50++ then can i 28 only..sian...30 can fly wee!!

ok la..think like that only one will pass read

ok have a good week ahead!

Thursday 15 November 2007

long time never post..sian

paiseh long time never post...busy with school work and to those ppl who have finished their o its time for u to play till u drop!!...very fast week 5 le...week 8 common test liao..and no study break..hard sia...i scare fail..especially AE...cos teacher too positive...everyday smile...and also too relax..not scrict enough...the others..think can so la..

vewry disappointed with perfect world english open beta..i went to play perfect world chinese open beta..lucky got tian hock play with yao jing..same..good think is there got cash item liao...and no expiry mounts, fireworks flying equips..all permanent..quite shunag to play..but today too tired so never play..

2moro is friday..last day of the week!! my cousin come back from china already anot...very long never see them liao...

ehm...actually got alot things want to say one..but i always forgot to update..paiseh..i try to post any interesting stuff everyday..( most likely not)

AU VOIR everyone!!!

Friday 2 November 2007


perfect world was expected to open at the end of october by it still had some delays..and rumors saying it will drag 1 or 2 more weeks!!..meanwhile..nothing to play...

yesterday had a good laughing by the pranks of my friends...theres a spotlight outside the lab which we are in..then my friends wanted to fool those ppl who walk pass the spotlight by switching on and off the light...then it was like so funny...the whole class was laughing at them..u can imagine the wanted to video those "fools" but some teachers were walking

today is friday..weekends 2moro!! yes!...2 days only..

Friday 26 October 2007

big delay for perfect world!

omg...OB was actually in 19 oct and now is 25 october..heard from ppl say it has some delay and officially opening at the end of the month..wah!!..cant wait liao!

meanwhile in school...not many projects are coming up..but alot of study has to be done..especially AE...schooltime are quite slack except monday and friday- 6pm go home..hate it..

well..nothing much happen..have a happy hallowe'en!

Monday 15 October 2007

school reopens!!!!

yeah!! finally a new term has start...paiseh i never blog past 2 week..think so...cos im playing perfeect world..actually in closed beta.. =\... so open beta will be out this friday!..cant wait..

 actually the yaojing...hitching a ride from my yaoshou friend to meet up with friends...

today school open quite tired...firstly cos cant wake up....then my back pain cos i never exercise...then lesson today ends at 6pm....luckily teacher first day relax..early release.. of my friends was out of my class now..dunnoe where he go..think out of course probably...feel sad for him...

zzz...i hope this term will not be so hard like last term...scare cant cope friends say harder than DE...nvm...

had my first french lesson was quite ok...get to learn some funny when u speak "henry"...u must silence the "H" its like "enry" also

meanwhile...wait for the release of open beta!!!

lol....2 of my friends was killed by golem and the fox's golem tanked him..=)..mission completed!

Saturday 29 September 2007

faster school open lei!!

wah..very sian lei..everyday play computer very tiring one...i play perfect world chinese version till downloading malaysian version...chinese version very laggy sia...think the server from china..

everyone school open liao except sian..really got nothing left to play liao..

Tuesday 25 September 2007

moon cake festival...a success!!!! -__-

yesterday me and my friends celebrated moonckae festival...i brought the celebration foward because i have something on we went to pungol park at 730..then start burning wat we least this year got 6 ppl nic lek zm yan jun jason nelson...a bunch of zm and jason use the candles make vulgar words..then ppl walk pass see....luckily no i make red river..burn all the wax to liquid then like the end we had a finale...throwing sparkles contest...see who can throw into the canal...haha...mine stuck in the tree..scared later burn whole tree down...yan jun threw the usual..

yay! timetable out le...shuang sia..monday wed thurs all late start lesson...the tueday 12pm release..more relax...but i scared i cant cope with new topics...zzz..ppl say AE quite hard..

and yes!..i bought a new LCD screen..actually mom bought it..$450..quite expensive lei...can watch tv programmes and use computer...with HD...shuang right?... =p

ok..gonna play me perfect world..

Wednesday 19 September 2007

woot!! got result liao!!

haha!! so happy..last night chat with friends till 12 midnight..waiting for result to come out..guess my grades! got improve!! from d to b+..woot!! also got improve..from c to b...math still a..=p..

my gpa? 3.204...good or bad ah..i dunnoe lei..can someone explain??? semester im taking new these modules are like useless liao...hope next semester would be easy tuesday!!.. i bought coffee greentea traditional mooncake to burn jason again..think will postpone to saturday or sunday..cos next week everyone like not free..except me..cos still in holidays..wee!!

ok..gtg eat pizza...cya!!

ich liebe runescape.....niemand gibt einen Fluch!!!!

Tuesday 18 September 2007

a little scared...

2moro the results out liao...dont know is good or bad...hope is good la..yesterday i dreamt i get A's true then cool lo

..very sian lei..i want go pungol cc take course learn...see first...

now...very very very sian..runescape gunz all day

Thursday 13 September 2007

i was woke up by.....earthquake!

woah..yesterday was tramatic man!!...the earthquake...scary man...i watching tv then feel giddy and shaky..then my mum thought i talking crap...then the news say just now got earthquake..then she quiet

then this morning around 8am like another earthquake..then i woke up -__-..bed shaking like hell lo..

ok man..if singapore here shaking like hell..then in indonesia? woah...feel sorry for them...

now very very til to high liao..

6 more days to results!!

Sunday 9 September 2007

omg...playing computer helps improve eyesight!

lol..yesterday went for eye check up..then i expect my degree to increase because i have been playing alot computer games latele and should get worst...but degree drop by change new specs..+60 dollars..

result should be out by 19 sep..heard other ppl say one...wah..i these few day play computer till siao..very tiring..but dunnoe why still can tahan so long...gunz play too long can headache..i now playing a game call street fun...

ok..nothing also happen..-.-

Monday 3 September 2007

very sian!!! started a few days ago..and now im dying..only know how to play...everything else throw aside..friend call me go out play badminton also dun want!!. why!!...eyes going to dry up liao..sian..

nothin much to say..cos nothing much happen..=\

Saturday 1 September 2007

its over!!!

yay...exams over...paiseh never post straight away after exam cos i have been playing too much..forgot to easy la..can pass liao..

happy birthday to went back to nvss to celebrate teachers' day...then guard dun let us in..cos we wearing slipppers...wth..then go back change....then why other ppl can go in with slippers?...these guard mother father la...bully we small and frail ppl...father mother la...

yesterday was to see old lee mrs tang mr lim mrs ang..then gave presents..then saw km and gang..yo here yo there..then go plaza eat mac..saw big g and timothy playing eat with nelson nic and lek..then go home liao..very tired yesterday..dunnoe why..

sian then saw someone yesterday..

Sunday 26 August 2007

13.5%? no kick!!!

lol..yesterday was grandmum birthday..i took my first slip of tasted like "very undescriptible"...then my throat felt warm...then a little bit of dizzy...aiya..13.5% nia..wont take my

ok yesterday was fun...get to catchup with some long time no see relatives..some of my younger cousins changed so was nice..curry wah..dam nice..

ok..campus superstar the 13 year old kid won..couldnt believe it..why always boys wins..why cant girls get overall champs..zzz..hes only a 13 year old kid seh..wah profession lo..the star search more profession..all based on judge one..

yay!!..tuesday last paper liao..haha..then happy hour!!! woot!!

Saturday 25 August 2007

two to go!!

sian...yesterday the de words man..around 3 qns very unstable...either wrong or correct....then got one qns..hai... the kmap thing should be dcba...then answer is d bar..i put abcd...answer a bar...hai..die liao..dunnoe what to say...

ok..nvm..over liao dun say...left ec paper...that one must pass..cos all about formula physics..

very tired yesterday sia...go home around 7pm..then at night from 9 play till 12..then midnight neighbour very noisy..dunnoe shout here shout there...then cant sleep liao..

btw..happy bday to km next early say..haha...maybe next friday go back nvss with friends..teacher day wat..then shun bian maybe order pizza for km and gang to makan...

mooncake!!...nothing much to update la..just like last year..burn year must be better than last must think of a theme..maybe like we bring mooncake go pungol park makan then bring china tea to drink and "shan yue" think they will do this...should be playing with fire again this year..

very emo lei..dunnoe wat to game play til game more sian..sleep sian..nvm.

Tuesday 21 August 2007

one down, two to go!

yes!..math paper over liao..left de and ec this friday...abit scared of jk flip flop and think should can handle..all about formulas...=p

ok very sian these days..only study play study dunnoe wanna work anot...6 wat...maybe go out play play..or do something else..

aiya...i want to change my blog skin and song..but i dunnoe will do wrongly anot..later corrupt my code..too lazy..nvm..

nothing to post..


Friday 17 August 2007

happy happy birthday

firstly happy birthday to august 17 ppl.. me liyana nico father hong jun yang erika toda and indonesia..

today went to amk hub to watch rush hour 3...dam..its was so funny..christ tucker still joke his kungfu improve..then nelson come late.-.-....the ng part more

then after that they want go lan ask me also go..i never go before...then i say dun psycho till give up i really tired..dunnoe why..i feel so spoiler=me

next..happy birthday to my sister which is 2moro..18august...hope u one year older..more mature..dun anyhow scream at ppl..and also happy birthday to 2moro august 18 baby one friend of mine jaime..happy birthday!

so many stuff happening now...and monday is my math exam..i cannot neglect it.though im quite

ok..nothing much..

Tuesday 14 August 2007

3 more days! and 4!

ok..dam..last time blog got problem..i want to post pictures of the ndp thing..but got problem..dam...nvm...

everyone is busying preparing for their week monday start fast...wish everyone good luck!!!

nothing much to post about..cos these few days at home..only thing can play sleep..

3 more days!...

and 4!!!

Wednesday 8 August 2007

换季 go back nvss see my friends 7.30am meet at my house busstop there..then in the end..i sleep until 7.40am..paiseh...made you all wait..actually..only nico and yan come..

ok la.the concert got one ah moh song i totally dun understand what they are singing..but i admire something from them...not everyone has the courage to go up the stage and sing..esp rock and roll style..*claps..and one more thing..hai..dun say la...swallow the pain myself...X_X..

then saw still looks funny...haha..dunnoe why..see his face want to laugh and cry liao..then we went to compass makan kfc then go cold storage jalan jalan..then also go other place jalan jalan la...then after that go home..took some photos time then too lazy

sian..2moro the fireworks watching only me and nic go...think should be a while only..cos boom boom boom three times..then no more liao ma..then u should noe..i like to take is a must to go la..

2moro quite busy..morning go pray my ah ma..then the rest of the time go out liao..nvm...must socialise ma..

hai...alot stuff trapped inside me and i want to tell still waiting..for the right moment...nvm..its ok if i never tell you..just that its too much stuff..

today so emo after the school concert..dun tell you why..really..then now more emo..just now talk to gang should know it....dun noe what to do now..seriously..i shouldnt let this affect my exams though..but it doesnt mean i will give up so easily! one will stop me to get what i want...of course..i will not do illegal stuff or offend anyone..i will do it in the right way..and i know what im doing..

ok..enough shit...going watch documentary one..the dinosaur one..must watch!!!

Tuesday 7 August 2007

im gonna die in....10 days!!!! friend said this to me one cant understand him..hes like so everytime we see him...he say "what?" is his trademark...every thing.."what"....also always say "i have heart attack" "i stupid la" "i got high blood pressure" so funny but hes too neagtive about himself...always pon lesson dunnoe do what....

ok..anyway today creative common test..hai..dunnoe what to say..easy and not so easy...ok..3 more paper left..then 6 week holiday liao...haha..maybe go work...want to buy samsung k5 or sony the mp4 player..

2moro national day eve!!..woot!...who going back to nv see parade...when where meet? house? or what...confirm.. week i going back school studying ec and de...i believe i can pass my de and ec...must be postive!!

ok..10 more days...

Tuesday 31 July 2007

exams! i pon lesson..cant wake up..this week last week liao..then next week common test then exam fast..need to buck up ec and i today go buy exam notes..

2moro is augusT!! birthday coming liao..hah...17 years old in august 17..haha..o lvl got 17 marks..class no 17..think this year 17 is my birthday to all august babies!!!

zz...serious now..back to books

Monday 30 July 2007

fun friday

9lol...last friday fiona ben and desmond koh come nyp..for the xiao hua xiao zhao contest very funny..cos behind the atruim there just nice got selling bikini and swimsuit what..then my han bin thought of be sicked la..anyway...cant take any photos cos it was really chaotic back there..unless u are very daring...either bash your way thru the crowd or stand on the escalator there...(theres a big sort of stone there which u can climb on) and grab some photos.. yesterday went back to school to help my friends the prog..2moro deadline liao!!..and han bin haven even start!! helpless man...i dunnoe what to do..cant let them copy then how?..zz..feel so bad when i cant help peoples...

today went to my father's godsis stall eat wanton mee..wah..very nice sia..not like other stall noddle like rubber band..the pig oil bits very nice..i ask for alot ..haha

now brushing up my prog to pass up 2moro..oh ya..about ndp..going to watch fireworks rite?..if go esplande there watch must go early..cos sure alot ppl come "chop" if can we go early...if cannot...wanna go tanjong rhu there watch?...the stadium cove there..(dunnoe there can see anot..must go survey..) or benjamin shear bridge there..i mean under the bridge..but at night lei..very ulu ulu one..and plus also alot mozzies..and there quite danger..cos if you wanna go nearer and see..must climb over the fence..down stair is river liao..if not ideas?

k..nothing much liao.

Thursday 26 July 2007

again!!! is thursday and im gonna love 2moro because it FRIday!!!..sian common test coming again..but only one modules..cretive and innovation...HOW to study?!!! like nothing much..the qns ask..what is brain storming..20marks!!! easy but hard sia!!

ok..after that should be exam liao ba...

today in class i talked to yan jun on msn..he in republic poly....then talk talk very shuang..suddenly talk the topic about me.. those ppl who hang out with me in sec school one should know...seriously..i still cant forget her...after like 2 years..and i even haven made a single step..A SINGLE STEP!!!...i feel so hurt about it..its like unexplainable...though its a long time since i see her i still cant let it go...why am i hanging on something that will bring more suffering to me..its my fault ones fault..

maybe its time i should let go...whats your its yours..dunnoe who say one but its quite true...if fate wants you to have are sure to get it..if me

ok..enough of this..rudh hour 3 is out on 9 august..yea..i cant wait to watch jackie chan and christ tucker crap is dam funny..who want to watch!!!..also on 9 august..who want to go marina watch fire works?!..also on 8 august who want to go back nv watch ndp?! many things...

recently i just finally found a song...after 8 months...this song so nice man...the lyric and vocal...could find it from friends...all dunnoe..haha..then now finally found from internet...very meaningfull song.. losing concentration in class now..last time still can at least listen mp3 and copy nfs carbon and copy notes..wth! that i will be digging my own grave!..wake me up!

also..i have been observing some surrounding for a few month and decided to take some photos of it...outside seagate ang mo kio there opposite got one piece of land on sale right?...inside got one tree very nice..not say nice..its like bo ta liao but haven die i wanna take a pic of it cos its quite nice..but dunnoe i will be trespassing the place anot...another tree is outside seagate there...near the longkang there...a very short but big tree..real big..the leaf very nice...and its yew+ willow one no need trespass any who is daring enough to go with me?

ok nothin much liao..bye '

Monday 23 July 2007


yes!!! after 2 weeks of com is now revived!!! last 2 weeks com cannot on..dunnoe what happen inside....then today got technician come graphic card spoil..lucky stilll within 3 years warrnty..can claim..then now can liao...woot!!!

wah..going to holiday again..not saY study week last week..then study till 200 aug then exam fast man..

ok..must start engine liao.. pcb fabricate need to solder the components on it...but i 2moro ask cher..haha... is monday so nothing much to say..monday blues!!

Thursday 19 July 2007

fun day...

had a great time at lek's house on sunday...usually i dont go any where on sundays..but dunnoe why go lek's is nic lek me want to gym work out..but then me and nic meet liao..lek say dun want go..then in the end me and nic go jogging in stadium..very tiring sia..then go buy chicky rice..and play dota at lek's house..dota..quite fun la...but if play too long can get addicted.. is my personal development presentation...finally i can show off my photos to the world...the teacher was impressed of my its the end of pd week dun need to come..that means 10am start lesson..wee!!!

dunnoe also got one good electric circuit..which i thought will fail badly, get a c...why?!>..then i thought my de better than ec..sian...

and also..dunnoe 2moro go go back school train for ndp anot..aiya...lek zm nic..if you guys 2moro want go back nv..i join you..dun go ncc..haha!!!

now these few day preparing my programme for troubleshooting..oh ya..and i this week need to buy components to solder on my board..why school never provide us components...we pay like 1000+ lei...components like only a few cents..still cant spare...

sian..these few days never online..only in school then online..cos computer down..not say down like cpu cant work but monitor cannot work...dunnoe is monitor spoil or cpu spoil...better be monitor spoil..cos cpu just bought only..

now very tired..eyes going to close..and only 8pm!!.. i going to become pig liao..

ok bye for now..

Saturday 14 July 2007