Wednesday 8 August 2007

换季 go back nvss see my friends 7.30am meet at my house busstop there..then in the end..i sleep until 7.40am..paiseh...made you all wait..actually..only nico and yan come..

ok la.the concert got one ah moh song i totally dun understand what they are singing..but i admire something from them...not everyone has the courage to go up the stage and sing..esp rock and roll style..*claps..and one more thing..hai..dun say la...swallow the pain myself...X_X..

then saw still looks funny...haha..dunnoe why..see his face want to laugh and cry liao..then we went to compass makan kfc then go cold storage jalan jalan..then also go other place jalan jalan la...then after that go home..took some photos time then too lazy

sian..2moro the fireworks watching only me and nic go...think should be a while only..cos boom boom boom three times..then no more liao ma..then u should noe..i like to take is a must to go la..

2moro quite busy..morning go pray my ah ma..then the rest of the time go out liao..nvm...must socialise ma..

hai...alot stuff trapped inside me and i want to tell still waiting..for the right moment...nvm..its ok if i never tell you..just that its too much stuff..

today so emo after the school concert..dun tell you why..really..then now more emo..just now talk to gang should know it....dun noe what to do now..seriously..i shouldnt let this affect my exams though..but it doesnt mean i will give up so easily! one will stop me to get what i want...of course..i will not do illegal stuff or offend anyone..i will do it in the right way..and i know what im doing..

ok..enough shit...going watch documentary one..the dinosaur one..must watch!!!

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