Tuesday, 17 February 2009

valentine disaster

valentine day work...complete chaos man!!...especially kitchen...really cock up till order disapear...that day i drink runner with kwee peng...drinks alot come out never mind ga....serve to customer all ask when is my food coming??wait 1 hour plus le..wah seh..dunnoe how to answer them..then table 6 i think worse case...i saw them sitting there for 2 hours and their food haven come...most likely is order didnt key in or kitchen inside the accidentally lose it..dam it lo...then they call me call manager come i ask gopal but he also very busy...then i bobian go tell hock...he say immediately serve the food come..call me ask them want anot..i tell them they say dun want...just want bill...then i go back tell him he say ok la...this one on the house la...they only drink mocktail...then i go tell them its on the house..lol...then went off angrily..

plus..jin yu..wah...where u go find that post...dam funny lei..lol

serious la...that day really dam jam...although got 3 food runner still can alot thing happen...dunnoe wat to say le..i that day drink runner also want to die le...then went home at 2 am sleepp till next day 6pm...zz...zhu la..then go bliss wat dinner 12am sleep again...lol...

today math paper easy...cos almost the same as last semester de format...only number change de...wed got indec paper...2moro then study la...now very sian+tired..

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