Monday, 14 September 2009


pass 2 days didnt get much sleep...sat got a mini celebration for the sept good..actually cos alot ppl sept bday so celebrate lo...abit bored...nothing much to play..drink drank drunk...homed at 5am..slept at 8am...wakeup at 12pm...

sunday after wakeup immediately met up with soon and head to hougang mall meet the rest...lunch at subway...saw ah fi working after that...decided to go to rena house slack...slack slack slack...then makan at plaza with celestine and kat then off to work...

after work last night alot ppl decided to go to plaza play pool...i only play 2 mood..not emo not wat...just no mood and tired..and yes im weak...

today went down to scoool collect IAP cert and that dam LO not in...was about to go off then saw him again...he say he very busy today...maybe 6pm or 2moro come find him again...ok lo..2moro go back again

then went to apple service center at toa payoh...told the counter my ipod cannot startup..then she do the normal procedures..about 15mins later she tell me we will have to leave it here...u can come collect it 2moro...then give payment needed..hopefully they are dumb enuff to assume that the software is

gamer anyone?? nic zm lek yan jun...finally yan jun jio us..thursday want anot???

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