Friday, 9 October 2009

work just now was bitten by some ants...and i dam stupid..take escago still can drop 1 escago on the way to deck...dam power 1 esc uncle daryl scold me..was outdoor ic...paisei have to keep saying u all do this do tat..really too free at beginning of work...after tat usual..abit crowd came in..then makan at 401..slack at void deck then home-d

lol..tat bao liang really funny la..and he has alot of crap u can is enjoyable with him around...and edwin also..keep laughing at customer reaction when didnt give them utensils..LOL!!

i have resisted for 2 days and still have 1 month plus to go..i shall stick to my plan...

foot massage anyone?? my foot the sole very tight...cannot bend..walking very pain...

life is a piece of paper...u draw ur own destiny...its never too late to erase ur past..

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