Friday, 1 May 2009


happy labour day all..sad double pay cannot work....those at work de jiayou!! i miss u all!!

today in lab..totally did nothing..cos actually should be OTOT cos of labour day...but they want put us today work then next tuesday then off..dunnoe why..completely no mood...
just back from 金鸡湖 they celebrating the wat 五一 wat 节....something to do with labour day de la...then got this thing like those water spray up then got laser on the performance like that....dam nice....but the wind is dam big...then when the water all spray till high high...alll the water kena us...took some pics on the performance...but all mostly is next time i back show u all fireworks de
lol...just now bought a kite...and play awhile down stair cos the wind is always strong...wah seh...i can fly it till like level 3 like that but then the wind suddenly change then my kite gg maybe go field play ba...OTOT 2moro!!

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