Sunday, 10 May 2009

happy mothers day!!

as are the pics for friday and sat....friday we went to 雷峰塔...the tower has a 白蛇 legend...u know...the white snake was kept under the tower....according to the legend la...then we went to this temple.. wat 岳王朝..this temple was build in memory of this guy...i dunnoe his name teeacher say he is a legend because he is loyal to the stupid emperor...yes...a dumb emperor...and then he is the only general that fought alot of battles and never loses one...then after that...we went to his tomb there...damn big sia the tomb...i want to take photo...but this kind of thing...i scare better dont....and also...1 interesting thing...u know u see i took 1 photo of a small bridge...they say if u walk pass this bridge and fall down means 你是坏人 bridge very steep...but i didnt fall down...means 我是好人 we went to a tea factory...aiya...they selling and promoting the tea...and i abit tempted to buy some home bought some 龙井 bad la...very nice the smell...can clear the intestine also...
ytd went to shanghai...nothing much....i dun want say...
today mothers day...happy mother day to all mothers, ah mas, future mother...i know its hurts to give birth to will be a good boy now.. time now...2moro also OTOT...i think i wanna rest...cos today i take temperatutre 38degreee sia...then take second time 36.4 degree...siao siao one the temometer...
to layyen..paiseh la...i no mood that day to reply tags...haha

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