Tuesday, 27 April 2010

spent a little time with myself just now..feeling so awful again..3 years of poly life what i have achieved..ok its a diploma that i had already had in mind before i started poly...but thru the whole process did i really learnt,enjoy the journey..i told myself..somewhat yes and no..learnt definitely yes..i proud to say i gain quite alot of knowledge on electronic stuffs..but the main problem is i dunno how to apply all i learn on daily life...which is quite sad..just like programming..its a language u learn..just on how u use it, how u want it to be ur way..i really enjoy someparts of my poly life..but seriously saying...i think im lost in polylife..i think i have changed alot since secondary...and totally different at the end of poly life..sadly there is no one who can see how i changed from secondary to end of poly...i need some lifestory talks man

whatever happens to me in the future..i will just tell myself..life stills goes on..nothing is forever..sad also 1 day...happy also 1 day..why not happy all day long..simple as that

britpop oasis rules...make me drift away from all thee problem in ma life

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