Saturday, 24 April 2010

today work starting is dam chiong..then slowly slack...dun wanna say much..dunno why i care so much for others..see xianglong food runner so chiong i see le volunteer help him cover him for his the end made myself more too kind..chey! release at 1am...then slack at the back talk talk lo..actually wanted to l4d but majority not interested so go home i see the kitchen staff work i always laugh to myself...dam funny they work...kon always say nb..i find it funny...uncle daryl always say diu la!..i also find it funny...tiru work at the deep frying section i find it even more funny lol..and not to forget the auntie "ummm...umm...UMM!!" lol daryl always make fun of so childish to find all these little stufff funny...yes i am..

see how tml afternoon if i can wakeup i will cook pasta...and super lazy now..tired of asking here and there who free to come pasta session..sorry for my greediness to eat the pasta alone

suddenly i have the urge to learn how to play wonderwall on guitar! wei jian lend me your guitar ! wakaka...i know i cant master it on 1 night..but still worth trying rights?

chipsmore + green tea = i like!

i feel like im the root of all evil

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