Thursday, 12 August 2010

Sorry to all bros and sis to angry and worry me..whatever it is..I only post it only my private lol..we cool k?

Didn't go anywhere during national day..rot at home...brought my little cousin to my grannys are like angels and little devils lol..sometimes they can be so guai and cute and funny but sometimes they can really piss u off like doing something in public mrt which embarrass you..but also funny in a way lol..thank god I'm a angel from kid till now lol

Went up to my granny house with my little she is really getting in forgetting things..I really hate rich sons locking up their mother in a elite bungalow or condo cos i think really unhealthy for old people like her la...yes condo can have swimming pool big tv everywhere aircon..but have no friends..then keep thinking which grandchild will get married first..and alot alot etc stuff if u know what I means..when I grow up I want to earn big bucks drive a European car and live in a ordinary at least 4 room flat with my parents and wife..if my life is good

Been watching alot funshion online movie recently..dam inspiring sia..castaway is a fucking must watch though it's quite old...I think I still stuck on my own island for a long long's my choice and will whether I will be able to get out of my island..right now I'm waiting to die..but I promise you give me something and I will make it my direction to work for

Lol why type so one also will read de what is conclude..I really haven been sleeping well these few days cos I'm miss u all and all those things running in my head..but I have learnt..sometimes things are just ment to be like that..and forget about what happen in love stories happily ever's your own are the lead actor, director, scriptwriter. You decide how your story gonna go and end..and the most amazing thing is to have someone who is watching your movie all the time

IMY nights

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