Monday, 2 August 2010

this words in purple font describe my not emo if u are tired of my not emo stuff skip and scroll down to read the normal fonts post

what will u do when u are already so lost in ur life..and u found something that can give u faith motivation..and suddenly because of 1 issue u dont want to see it again..thats what ima feeling that game had effing piss me off..whats worth my rage..hai..dun wanna talk bout it...just feel so lousy..everything and everyone is avoiding me

now that i have lost my game...what can i do for the last 1 month 13 days as me...beside working out...i need some faith and directions...

and also the fact that im going 20 soon and ppl needa sort of advice me...i once told myself im here to lead not follow...i dunno what other adjective can furthur describe my uselessnees...

been thinking alot bout ma life for the past few days...what life is like 4 years back then..when i was still sec 4..i feel the seed of my character now is somewhere in sec 4...not because of a girl bgr stuff...i just cant remember..fmlttm

finally..i quit bliss..really sad to leave that lousy place with awesome people who changed my life for the past 2 year+...last week of work was expected...runner all the way...whatever..xgjh...i want to thanks all those people working there who have been helpful and cheerful despite the environment is harsh and sucky...u know who u are...thanks for the times u help me when i was running up and down like dog...thanks for the times when i was drunk and u stood by..thanks for all the laughter and nonsenese we had during work...thanks for the times when i insist dont need help and u just help...thanks for all ur cutie pie smile which melted moi...okkkkkkkkkkkk whatever it is..i just cant bare to leave u all but i have to...this last month is very me myself and all changed me...i know u know can already'

whatever i know alot words are left unspoken in my heart..but if u know whata i am trying to say...or how u feel after reading..please just kindly accept my feelings for the first and last time...i just need u to needa talk..

side track: inception is omfg die is the only wake to come back to feels like god to be in a dream..where what u always desire happens..and u can do anything...but is the you in your dream same as the you in reality..if u can be the you on both world..then u are truly living your dream..

so just let me end my super long post with this song...just listen and feel

You know I'm a dreamer
But my heart's of gold
I had to run away high
So, I wouldn't come home low

Just when things went right
Doesn't mean they're always wrong
Just take this song and you'll never feel
Left all alone

Take me to your heart
Feel me in your bones
Just one more night
And I'm comin' off this
Long and winding road

I'm on my way, I'm on my way
Home sweet home, tonight tonight
I'm on my way, I'm on my way
Home sweet home

You know that I've seen
Too many romantic dreams
Up in lights, fallin' off
The silver screen

My heart's like an open book
For the whole world to read
Sometime, nothing keeps me together
At the seams

I'm on my way, I'm on my way
Home sweet home, tonight tonight
I'm on my way, just set me free
Home sweet home

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