Tuesday 7 June 2011

been happening alot stuff recently..let me recall man..i have super stm..

nvm..shall update u guys on the high key events only lol...blame me for my memory...

soons birthday! finally 21 bro...u are officially legal to do anything! dont break the law yo..lol..

celestine bday! finally ord bro lol..dont kaopei me ord lo..lol..good to have ur civilian life back..good luck to your future job and studies man..

i think ima crazy dude..just quiet...

been noticing my dad is getting older and my mum too..they dont seem so energtic as before...what can i do? i hurts me to see this..they are my parents and i dont know what to do..there must be something i can help them..

some friends are very fake...i dunno why but i start to hate them...that leaves me no choice but to desert myself from everyone...i feel better alone doing things..

boys and girls...hope u all will understand me..my sentence struture is very cui...really..i dont even know how to initiate a call properly...those wanna laugh say hurtful things to me carry on..i rather stay in the dark

k bye..just hope some will treasure me properly

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