Saturday 26 May 2007

DEPROG....a failure.. circuit was a failure...last monday i go ask my senior see my circuit got any problem..then they say from start till end got problem...all the resistor connect wrong sia..must unwrap everything..might as well redo!!!

today went to sintan...a shop sell electronics buy components for our project..wah sia..we never buy..cos not confirm the solar panel thing..must ask cher first..then jalan jalan a while then ake detour took mrt from bugis to pasir ris then 88 to home..

hmm..what happen this friend tio chicken pox..that means his holiday start le..but will miss alot lesson..and also i trying to help him take down notes during lectures..

ya...we went to north canteen eat lunch last tuesday..hmm..the food there better than south canteen..the space also very big..cleaners also very effective..very fast...

so many things happen sia..but all forgot liao..cos i too lazy to blog..

been thinking of certain memories during my 4 months holidays..dunnoe what to do.. first time got open house..i want to go but only today and 2moro...and no one wanna go with me..basically i just want to capture photos..

secondary school holiday liao...i still 2 more weeks..very fast de..=)

hmm..still got what..think shuld be like that le..ill try to keep up..ok..

Monday 21 May 2007


gr....tagbox dun noe why got problem...the website like not availble..zzz..then put new tagbox...grrr

yesterday went to ah gong hus eat steamboat...then my aunt ask me.."ah yang! why your leg hair so much?! grow them ah?.." can i grow them...she thought plants sia..

wah..yesterday never watch spiderman 2 and condor heros...i like the condor heros sia...the story very nice..the china girl also very yang guo!! had dinner at grandmum's house...

dam...the gobal warming problem is really getting worse...i can actually breathe in carbon monoxide and like kovan traffic jam mah...then i sit behind my father lorry..then stop 2 big sbs bus right beside me...then when they start driving..the bus fart so many the hot smelly carbon monoxide sia!!!!!!...and the engine also f noisy...and its traffic jam..the whole road doing this!!! wtf....we are hurting mother earth and digging our own graves yet we dumbos still dont realise it....

dam...2moro got pcb design test...very hard sia..must draw everything from skatch and do until pcb thing...

math lessons are getting f-up for in i feel like the class mates are not respecting the teacher...they what..teacher very young means can do anything they like ah..playing psp in class playing dota..need for speed...whatever shit in aint good..i haved been trying to concentrate on the lesson as i forgot almost every single amath thing after the o lvls..and what implicit diff..i really dun understand.. week 4 more weeks to common test and im still wandering..

Sunday 13 May 2007

happy mother day!'s mothers' day...yesterday went for mothers' day dinner in my uncle's church..honestly..i didnt like going there for dinner as every year we always go kopitam and eat steamboat...its more enjoyable eating in kopitam...

dam bored...yesterday the priest in the church can talk 2h sia..want to sleep sia..

anyways..happy mothers day to all mothers!!!!

Friday 11 May 2007

RuneScape reaches one million members! im not a member of runescape..i still feel that this is a great shows that runescape aint a bad game after all..though i aint member...i still find the game interesting....the fun part is socialising and training...i bet it's even better in the member's worlds....

abstract from a player..:

~OnE lOsS iS tHe StArT oF a GrEaT wIn~
Did RuneScape feel like a useless creation at the begining? Well that was the start of what it is now: a great win.

yes indeed...i feel that what he said was right...runescape in 2002 was like a useless creation to has came a long way...and though the graphics aint as good as those like wow..dota..what matters is how the game is u enjoy it...(yes i do)...most of my runescape mates do..sadly..most of my real life friends dont...

but what really worries me is the growing number of macroers and botters in the game...despite every player's hard work in making runescape a botter-free world...everywhere i go..esp wcing areas...there are tons ( like 10-15 ) of lvl 3 auttoers cutting yews..and non-stop...i even heard from my member's friend saying that even in member's world, there are also tons of botter fishing sharks cutting magic logs..fletching bows...and many more...i wonder if jagex is hesitating to ban these ppl cos they paid for the game and jagex dont want to lose money.. waiting for pay by phone service to be availble in singapore and i can be a member!! yay...first thing i gonna do...complete all 100+ of them, second thing..get full Dharok the Wretched set or the Verac the Defiled set then master ancient magicks and mage arena...and gonna own the legendary Kalphite Queen ( actually not the strongest) then train all member's skills and level up my combat to 126...

be it my member dream gonna come true..i will still stay loyal to runescape ( stick to it for 3 years going to 4 ) i just want jagex to know that there are still many loyal players around..esp f2ps...

back to busineess

report due on tuesday@!!!

Wednesday 9 May 2007

connected!!!! my laptop can go wireless in school one..SEG...must do alot things to configure with my friends in elp doing the report..lateset by next tuesday must submit....

wah sia... ez link card sunday top up 10 bucks then today left 2 money sia...later go yio chu kang mrt top up...zzz

sian..nothing much to talk..bye

Sunday 6 May 2007

finally went out with my friends..

yo peeps...yesterday went out with nic lek and zm to tampines mall watch dam nice..ending part okok...the computer effect nice...before the movie and lek go eat and nic go walk walk..go top up ez link..then to century sq play daytona..funny sia..oh ya..and on the way..i saw something that i shouldnt dun tell anyone arh...

lol..after that lek and nic go buy the bleach thingy..dun noe what..then buy play.then very sian..dunnoe what to till sian..wirewrapping do half way then dunnnoe how to connect resistor..go sleep la...bye bye

finally went out with my friends..

yo peeps...yesterday went out with nic lek and zm to tampines mall watch dam nice..ending part okok...the computer effect nice...before the movie and lek go eat and nic go walk walk..go top up ez link..then to century sq play daytona..funny sia..oh ya..and on the way..i saw something that i shouldnt dun tell anyone arh...

lol..after that lek and nic go buy the bleach thingy..dun noe what..then buy play.then very sian..dunnoe what to till sian..wirewrapping do half way then dunnnoe how to connect resistor..go sleep la...bye bye

Friday 4 May 2007

week 3 gone and...

wah sia..week 3 going to be over and next week my report is dued!! gonna rush on it..zz.

but next week thursday shuang..10am then start lesson..normally is 8 am then start..2h late

omg..i cant believe my friend, zm, wants to play my game with me..he had longed abandoned this game and now "cong zhu jiang hu"..maybe he too bored of other games liao..blah..his interest for this game will not last..i guess 3 weeks nia..then game over..then all up to me again..the only one!!

blurp...just now had dinner at hougang mall with lek and zm..we eat eat eat talk talk usual..they always talk sometimes in school we do the autocad drawing thing dam hard draw one part wrong and the whole design can throw away liao..whats worst u dont know u went wrong only when u draw till the last part cannot join...must

yay...2moro can go school late..12pm then start lesson..but then till 6pm..actually no diffference..

blah..time to train my lvl 88 acc..2 more lvls to 90!!

Thursday 3 May 2007

after labour day..

yesterday was labour day..did nothing at home..basically just gta-ing..and watch some funny chinese zombie moives..very funny sia...
i had enough shit from my "upstairs" neighbour...for the past 7 years, every night they keep on making noise like jumping on the floor, playing marble on the floor, running here and there, drilling in the middle of midnight ( wtf !) ...and more yesterday..i was going to sleep as i wasnt feeling well because of the rain..and the banging i cant take it any more and went up and told them " like 11pm plus liao can stop banging?? i not feeling well and trying to sleep..can quiet??" then i went off..after that..the banging stop..a while continue..F**K UP ragged ass mother father!!!
oops..did i spit out and vulgarites?..i aint talking to those to you ppl..its targetting to those ppl ABOVE me..! report to week need to hand in..but this module fun sia..its creative and innovation...need to do prototype of a new product..sort of like "invention"..if good can nominate for tan kah kee award sia!!... first prize= 10k!! second=5k! third=3k!..just aim for 3rd and im happy..
hmm..the far nic knows me alot ppl
wah actually want go back nvss one..but back there they got mid year exam..all early cancelled again..
2moro is 2hour break...haha..slack in library..
omg...the amath trigo i everything rusty liao..teacher explain i go blur...need to brush up..i dun want history to replay
wah..finally my complains has an answer..those in game botter are facing trouble..yay!!
abstract: Over the last couple of weeks we've had a sudden increase in reports of people apparently using 'bots' to play the game automatically (which is in breach of Rule 7). We currently ban about 8000 accounts every week for trying this sort of cheating.......What's happening is more complex than it first seems. What's actually going on is that the VAST majority of the level-3 characters you see playing the game repetitively and not talking to anyone, are actually people from countries such as China and Korea, who are trying to collect ********* gold to sell for real world money (obviously against the rules). Some of them aren't even using bots, they are just playing the game very repetitively with a single-minded purpose to collect gold. These people have no interest in playing the game properly, and therefore don't care if they get banned. The final effect is the same, though – it spoils the game for everyone else.
My opinion: well done jagex..i hope that all this ppl will get banned as they are affecting the game in all sort of the prices of items just keep on increasing..lagging of server..competition from other chars...these ppl do not deserve to play this game and should be banned as thats is not the real spirit of the game...they are just playing..i mean doing this for the sake of $$...they are just sickos which should be kicked out of this aint the real spirit of the game...the real spirit should be everyone enjoys each other char's existence regardless of stats or levels...teamwork..and support the game in any way..

blah blah..think this post is too to my report..