Thursday 3 May 2007

after labour day..

yesterday was labour day..did nothing at home..basically just gta-ing..and watch some funny chinese zombie moives..very funny sia...
i had enough shit from my "upstairs" neighbour...for the past 7 years, every night they keep on making noise like jumping on the floor, playing marble on the floor, running here and there, drilling in the middle of midnight ( wtf !) ...and more yesterday..i was going to sleep as i wasnt feeling well because of the rain..and the banging i cant take it any more and went up and told them " like 11pm plus liao can stop banging?? i not feeling well and trying to sleep..can quiet??" then i went off..after that..the banging stop..a while continue..F**K UP ragged ass mother father!!!
oops..did i spit out and vulgarites?..i aint talking to those to you ppl..its targetting to those ppl ABOVE me..! report to week need to hand in..but this module fun sia..its creative and innovation...need to do prototype of a new product..sort of like "invention"..if good can nominate for tan kah kee award sia!!... first prize= 10k!! second=5k! third=3k!..just aim for 3rd and im happy..
hmm..the far nic knows me alot ppl
wah actually want go back nvss one..but back there they got mid year exam..all early cancelled again..
2moro is 2hour break...haha..slack in library..
omg...the amath trigo i everything rusty liao..teacher explain i go blur...need to brush up..i dun want history to replay
wah..finally my complains has an answer..those in game botter are facing trouble..yay!!
abstract: Over the last couple of weeks we've had a sudden increase in reports of people apparently using 'bots' to play the game automatically (which is in breach of Rule 7). We currently ban about 8000 accounts every week for trying this sort of cheating.......What's happening is more complex than it first seems. What's actually going on is that the VAST majority of the level-3 characters you see playing the game repetitively and not talking to anyone, are actually people from countries such as China and Korea, who are trying to collect ********* gold to sell for real world money (obviously against the rules). Some of them aren't even using bots, they are just playing the game very repetitively with a single-minded purpose to collect gold. These people have no interest in playing the game properly, and therefore don't care if they get banned. The final effect is the same, though – it spoils the game for everyone else.
My opinion: well done jagex..i hope that all this ppl will get banned as they are affecting the game in all sort of the prices of items just keep on increasing..lagging of server..competition from other chars...these ppl do not deserve to play this game and should be banned as thats is not the real spirit of the game...they are just playing..i mean doing this for the sake of $$...they are just sickos which should be kicked out of this aint the real spirit of the game...the real spirit should be everyone enjoys each other char's existence regardless of stats or levels...teamwork..and support the game in any way..

blah blah..think this post is too to my report..

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