Friday 11 May 2007

RuneScape reaches one million members! im not a member of runescape..i still feel that this is a great shows that runescape aint a bad game after all..though i aint member...i still find the game interesting....the fun part is socialising and training...i bet it's even better in the member's worlds....

abstract from a player..:

~OnE lOsS iS tHe StArT oF a GrEaT wIn~
Did RuneScape feel like a useless creation at the begining? Well that was the start of what it is now: a great win.

yes indeed...i feel that what he said was right...runescape in 2002 was like a useless creation to has came a long way...and though the graphics aint as good as those like wow..dota..what matters is how the game is u enjoy it...(yes i do)...most of my runescape mates do..sadly..most of my real life friends dont...

but what really worries me is the growing number of macroers and botters in the game...despite every player's hard work in making runescape a botter-free world...everywhere i go..esp wcing areas...there are tons ( like 10-15 ) of lvl 3 auttoers cutting yews..and non-stop...i even heard from my member's friend saying that even in member's world, there are also tons of botter fishing sharks cutting magic logs..fletching bows...and many more...i wonder if jagex is hesitating to ban these ppl cos they paid for the game and jagex dont want to lose money.. waiting for pay by phone service to be availble in singapore and i can be a member!! yay...first thing i gonna do...complete all 100+ of them, second thing..get full Dharok the Wretched set or the Verac the Defiled set then master ancient magicks and mage arena...and gonna own the legendary Kalphite Queen ( actually not the strongest) then train all member's skills and level up my combat to 126...

be it my member dream gonna come true..i will still stay loyal to runescape ( stick to it for 3 years going to 4 ) i just want jagex to know that there are still many loyal players around..esp f2ps...

back to busineess

report due on tuesday@!!!

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