Monday, 14 December 2009

i must change for the better

today manage to wake up early and go to school to till headache...the paper was easier than expected...yea...but like heavy weightage lei...ask simple qns 5marks...left early as i dun want to listen noise..

tml going back to school again to study navigation and maybe some of ah yap...hope i wont die...

face problem..thats why..IDGAF

end of year is coming...2010 is just a few days away...wat have i done..or achieve this year...time to write down what i have not done and put it to next year's resolution

and ya...27 dec i wanna have a steamboat..hope this time can organise...make urself free pls! its a sunday!

heres something to those* who dont have something call FACEBOOK to watch...confirm will say lol haha/lame lor! LOL!

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