Thursday, 31 December 2009

ive learnt...

these few days alot things happen..tired..i need a pause button..its my fault..i cant control sorry

just realised this is my last xmas and new year celebration with my year i will be in sad

edit: long post...take some break in between when u read

finally...2009 is coming to an end..this year is a year full of happenings..h1n1..dam scare to go out..death of mj...too sudden..though im not a great fan of him..but i think he is still king of pop...hes a legacy now..firstly school...reached year3..tio FYP and IAP...3 months...made alot new friends in FYP...FYP at first thnking is a total waste of time..but also got some use...during presentation..tio shoot until very jialat...but it makes u thinking..and thanks mr gui mr lim mr phua wanxi xueqi for accompanying me thru the fyp...yea...suzhou trip..definitely love that trip...suzhou clique..gonna miss ya..IAP..learnt tat life is harder than expected in the working world...gotta enjoy wat i have now...3 months in IAP..though short...i saw alot things that the book doesnt teach...2months back to work...august was just a norm month..nothing special...sept was a eventful month...october...back to path...forgot almost wat i learnt in year 2..abit lost and scared...but slowly getting back on my feet to study...last sem..cant waste it

work...alot changes to bliss this year...old staffs one by one staff come and go...jit and gopal..the bestest sup can crap and talk with...abit off the clique when i came back from suzhou and my IAP...slowly gettin back...had made some good friends there...wont forget them...they are the most active ppl in my life..steady never be the same without them...maybe its something call friends are for life...though im always left out at times..i still feel some bit of love from my friends..i dun ask for more..i just want it to come from the inside..tats all....thanks my lovely friends

wat i have achieve this year...quite alot stuff..beside school and attachment..i also learnt abit of learnt to drink lol..once in awhile ok..but dun everyday drink can le...i dyed my hair for the first time...i learnt abit of poker card games but still lousy..i learnt to stay up the myself a present to myself with my own pay..donated blood for the first to suzhou w/o family..experience the feeling of worry/fear..experience the pain of losing someone...had a gathering with everyone i like...i think theres more..but i forgot..watever it is..its in my blood now

below are some delications to those who had a small impact /impact to me in 2009 (not in order!)

mr peter lim - the best fyp supervisor u can find...which supervisor is so good tat he stay back after 6pm and run around blk s to find a battery holder and ic for you..and he even helps me to pack the 2 sets of circuit board for me because im flying off to suzhou the next so touched by him...he also gave some good advices to my personal problems by telling me his story..thank you mr lim

mr gui - the stern fyp manager of mine...everytime shoot ppl during presentation until no words to say..but i think he pointed out alot points that i should life there are 5 F's u are afraid of..future friends family finance (last one forget)..he said tat to me when it was the last day of fyp and i told him im afraid of least it did some help to console me..thanks mr gui

wanxi - 1 of the DT during my fyp..very helpfull and funny and the sun in the cold lab...very random at times...she is very cute...and super random like shouting in lab and playing restaurant

xueqi - the other DT in my fyp..looks fierce..but actually say lao niang..hahah..she is very nice...always give us director walking around tell us alt-tab...then got function also kapo some food for us to eat...she knows when to be nice and when to be serious...tats her good point..

sean - fyp lab first didnt really like him cos my lab only got sing nee me and him..then i was like wtf...3 months with then as time goes..i find out that he is actually quite a nice guy..'see and help' i would say...he can put down watever he is doing and try to help u even though he is not very sure how to help...then the best part is he also goes to suzhou with me..along with sing nee...i was dam happy cos it is fate tat we have suzhou...though we really didnt do anything for our fyp project..i realised from him tat real friends dun need to say a word and they will know wat u are thinking...he helped me alot with my troubles in suzhou...together with safwan...making me feel like i have another brother...for this..i thank you sean

sing nee - the boom box in my fyp...very noisy..ok..but also very also went to suzhou with the topic starter in the clique..w/o her is like abit buddy during fyp cos im abit emo during fyp and had no one to talk to..thanks singnee

jiawei - long story to say...during year1..i was abit of a loner in class..cos deshun their clique together with jiawei..then i with raihan they all..then slowly to year 2 some problems in their clique and i see him abit sad so go join him...then i find him actually a observane guy..but too much already..and like to point out everyone mistake..but too much also..maybe tats his bad point..but during the last semster comm skill presentation...practically its my fault cos i didnt do my part in the report and he did everything himself..and we screw up the whole presentation cos everyone not working together well..teacher ask us why like tat he take on the responsiblility on himself..i feel abit from tat day...i will try to keep my commitments well...tats why i learn..thanks jiawei

celestine - best buddy at work...always clear rubbish bin together...working at outdoor tat time..only need 3 staff can cover already...always alot story to say...and give advices..he now in ns...take care brother

soon - also best buddy at cock joke see girl..lululu~ haha..steady brother..heart to heart talk once in awhile..XGJH hahah...great pool buddy...dun smoke so much in 2010 ya..take care brother

jit - best supervisor u can get...staff welfare no.1 always cover us when got guailan customer..handicap toliet haha..face looks fierce ...but he dam friendly and can talk crap de...always good to have him around..sad thing he quited bliss on his own..its their lost to lose sucha power dam capable supervisor...happy new year mr jit!

gopal - after jit left..gopal became the yea..dunnoe who first dun like him cos he too tall and talks funny...but perhaps we slowly open up to him tats why he is so close to us after tat...he drinks beer to grow tat alot fun with him..killing zombies after work..haha so funny him...heal me!! lol..why i die!! LOL! okay..then he also quited bliss..and worked somewhere else..i feel happy for him cos the place he working at has a much better pay than bliss for a full timer...but sad that no one can crap with during work..anyways..happy new year mr gopal!

jeolyn - the ctrl x ctrl v smile girl...dam cute she..alot of looks...english also dam good..always suan ppl wrong prounciation..cakeee ah...not cake.. she has alot funny hand signs..yea..all her idea...and also alot slang...haha..idea siol...always had alot fun working with her...never fail to put a smile on everyone face...thanks for everything u have done jeolyn...yes...u know it..thanks..and dun smoke too much spoils ur image

rena - ahahah..the skinnest girl in bliss..she alot funny idea also...likes to disturb ppl during work..she is a very thoughtful girl..always put others before herself...not a good liar..can easily see when she telling a be more adventurous this year k? happy new year may ur dreams come true in 2010 girl!

layyen - nice girl at bliss also..have a man voice when sore throat LOL! she thinks maturely...tats what i admire of has been very fun with her around..playing games when very jokes and PlAY WAX YA LOL! dam funny of the few seniors of bliss when i first came in..i salute to all of u...happy new year! and also dun smoke so much ah hahaha

kon - the chef of bliss...i respect him cos he is a steady guy..wont count a penny by penny..had alot fun with him and the rest after work..pooling l4d..hes the best teammate with me..we can clear the map with 6 infected player with only 2 of us as survivors...steady right haha...happy new year! hope more fun will come in time

katrina - help me alot thru my hardest time during FYP and IAP...i can say she is a very rare gem to be found...though age diffence is big..but we still manage to put aside all these small little things and have fun...xiayutian continue-r...i respect u as a friend who im very lucky to find...cheers! happy new year and good luck to ur work in 2010!

naren - steadyy brother..good to have him around cos hes big and strong! just wanna say im lucky to have u as a buddy at work..lets hope friends forever buddy! cheeers!

amanda - gaave alot advices during my downest part of my life...really gave me a wakeup call with the help of others..she is a very nice girl...happy new year! dun smoke so much ah

and not to forget those who signed on the card when i left for suzhou! really touch my heart till this day cos no one has ever done someting special for me ever till tat day...tears just flow down when im in the plane when i open up the card...its the first time im recognised by everyone...i love u ppl..thanks for everything

lastly..thanks for all the outing organise this year..hope we can have more next year!

my new years resolution? 2010 is going to be a turning point year for me...graduation from nyp...hope ppl can celebrate for me..gonna miss those times in poly..3 years in a blink...ns...time to be a man...hopefully after ns...i will be more matured to see the world in front of me...besides tat..i also wish to have more new friends and also have a even better friendship with all my friends...more outings i hope to come in 2010...but pls before the time i go in ns lol...wat i have done wrong in 2009 is i was stuck in a vicious cycle over and over again..i need to get out and play

let us put bygones/hatred/guilt behind us k? 2010 gonna be a better year

dun cry because its because it happen..cheer up..

thanks all my friends and have a happy new year..may ur 2010 be a year full of hope and opportunity

hope u all will still be reading my blog in the future..thanks ya

thanks for being a part of me everyone!

enjoy ur countdown party tonight! those working later...hope we will have fun during and after work later!!! im so going to miss u all

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